Web Hosting & Operating System

A few time ago appeared a lot disagreements between opinions

on the internet regarding, which is the best operating system

for web hosting. There are people who hate windows, there are

people who love FreeBSD and many others.

The thing is that the best system that suits you depends on

what you are doing. The servers and the softwares, all run on

a program named operating system. on a personal computer you

will probably have windows ME, XP, NT or something similar to

those. You can call this program the operating system. Any

hosting server also needs running on an operating system.

There are 3 different versions.

The first one powered by Microsoft is Windows. So, Microsoft

also makes a system designed for servers. Microsoft products

can trill integrate in this operating systems. It also allows

web sites to run Active Server Pages. The Microsoft servers

also allow the integration of SQL databases. The only problem

of the Microsof web hosting servers is that they are very

expensive. You will probably find one that costs several

thousands of dollars.

The second version for web hosting servers is Linux. Linux

was created and developed by some individuals who wrote the

main part of the Linux operating system. After that, there

were added some other parts to customize the operating system

for the particular use of any user. There are many companies

that market Linux, like Red Hat, Debian. The main advantage

of Linux is that is compatible with PHP. Also it's very

stable and has a great security. The best thing about it is

that Linux is free.

The third version of operating system for web hosting servers

is Unix. Unix is almost the same thing as Linux. If we think

more, we will find more similarities than differences between

the two programs. The most important difference is the way

they came to the world. So let's make it clear. Linux is

something like a cousin of Unix. There are two main

Unix-based operating systems: FreeBSD and OpenBSD. The good

thing about this systems is that they seem to be very stable

once you manage to install them. But they are very hard to

install. OpenBSD is also known to be one of the most secure

operating system in the world. But with OpenBSd you will have

to sacrifice some features for a plus of security. Again the

best thing about these systems is that they are both free.

The best for you depends on what you are going to do with it.

If you want great security, you should try OpenBSd. If you

are looking for compatibility with all the windows products,

then choose Windows. For compatibility with PHP programing

language choose Linux.The fact is that one cannot tell which

system is best, but employing and using it according to his


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