10 Things Your Dog Would Tell You

1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful: remember that before you get me.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me- it is crucial to my well being.
4. Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment.
5. You have your work, your entertainment,and your friends. I only have you.
6. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understands your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me.
7. Be aware that how ever you treat me, I will never forget.
8. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily hurt you, but I choose not to bite you because I love you.
9. Before you scold me for being uncooperative,obstinate,or
 lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I might not be getting the right food, or I have been out too long, or my heart is getting to old and weak.
10. Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say: "I cannot bear to watch" or "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there, even my death. ♥...!!

To Public Service.

આજે રક્ષાબંધનનો તહેવાર ખૂબ ધામ ધૂમથી ઉજવ્યો,
પણ આજે આમ કંઇક અલગથી જ સવારે એક દશ્ય એવું જોયું ને કે સાલું દીલથી આ લોકોને સલામ કરવાનું મન થઇ ગયું...!!!

હવે વાત એમ છે ને કે

આજે સવારે જ્યારે હું મારી બહેનને લઇને મારા કાકાનાં છોકરાને ઘરે શીવરંનજની ચાર રસ્તા(અમદાવાદ) પાસે જતો હતો,ત્યારે રસ્તામાં હેલમેટ સર્કલ પાસે પંચર પડ્યું...

એટલે મેં ત્યાં BRTS નાં સ્ટેન્ડ પાસે બાઇક પાર્ક કરી દીધું અને BRTS માં ગયો...પણ બસમાં બેઠા પછી મેં જોયું કે ડ્રાઇવરનાં હાથે તો રાખડી જ નતી,મનેં એમકે એમને કોઇ બહેન નથી,પણ પછી મેં એમને પૂછ્યું તો મને ડ્રાઇવર કે

"મિત્ર,અમારેય રક્ષાબંધન તો ઉજવી છે,પણ જો અમે આજે રજા રાખીશું તો કેટલીય બહેનો પોતાનાં ભાઇનાં ઘરે સરળતાથી જઇ નહીં શકે અમે તો શું રાત્રે પણ ઉજવી લઇશું પણ અમારા લીધે કેટલીય બહેનો પોતાનાં ભાઇથી દૂર રહી જાય એ અમને નઇ પોશાય...!!!"

હવે વિચાર કરો કે આ ડ્રાઇવર ભાઇ સવારે ૭ થી ૧૦ વાગ્યા સુધી બસ ચલાવી ને છેલ્લે એની બહેનનાં હાથે રાખડી બંધાવશે...!!!

જરા વિચાર તો કરો કે એ બહેન ને કેટલી રાહ જોવી પડતી હશે પોતાનાં ભાઇ માટે...!!!

એટલે આપણ ને તો બોસ આ વાત જાણીને એટલું ગર્વ થાય છે ને કે ધન્ય છે આ BRTS,AMTS અને પોલીસ જવાનો ને જે ખડે પગે હંમેશા આપણી સેવામાં હોય છે...!!!

મિત્રો પોસ્ટ ગમે તો Share કરવાનું ભૂલશો નહીં...
એમાં શું છે ને કે Share એટલાં માટે ને કે તમારા મિત્રો પણ આ પોસ્ટ ને જાણી ને ગર્વ લઇ શકે...!!!
તો ઠોકો Share અને Like...!!!

ઓરીજીનલ પોસ્ટ (સૌજન્ય) : "કોલેજના કાલરીયા"

Are We Moving Towards MTV??

रघु राजीव और रणविजय....
नाम तो सुने होँगे?
चैनल बदलते वक़्त यदि दो टकलो के बीच मे एक बालो वाला सुअर आपको दिख जाए तो समझिए यही है वे तीन नालायक़!

शो मेँ इनके बर्ताव से लगता है जैसे किसी अरबपति कि औलादे हो या फिर बॉलीवुड के टॉप स्टार्स जिसके प्रभाव से युवा पीढ़ी इनकी तरफ आकर्षित हो रही है और इन जैसा tough, smart, sucessfull बनना चाहती है
तो आइए पहले रोडीज़ के जजोँ को ठीक से जान ले|

रघु रामालिंगम अथवा रघु राम और जुड़वाँ भाई राजीव लक्ष्मण-

रघु आंध्रप्रदेश में जन्मा और दिल्ली में पला बढ़ा, इसकी और इसके जुड़वाँ भाई राजीव लक्ष्मण कि कहानी एक सी है, दोनो ही अनपढ़ है, जाहिल है , गवांर है और भी ना जाने क्या क्या....
दोनों भाई ने उत्तराखंड के एक विध्यालय से अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी कि पढ़ाई में कमजोर होने कि वजह से इन्होने अपने भविष्य कि कोई रूप रेखा नहीं बनायी थी इस वजह से 12वी के बाद कौन सा कोर्स चुने यह फैसला भी नहीं कार पाए, और जहां भी दाखिला मिला ले लिया पहले वर्ष इन दोनों ने देशबन्धु कोलेज में दाखिला लिया वहा पढ़ाई पूरी नहीं हुई और दूसरे वर्ष दोनों ही ने श्री वेंकटेश्वरा कॉलेज में दाखिला लिया शायद दिल्ली के बड़े बड़े कॉलेज कि पढ़ाई और high-profile लोगो के बीच दोनों तालमेल नहीं बैठा पाये और कॉलेज कि डिग्री पूरी होने से एक साल पहले ही इन्होंने पढ़ाई का त्याग कर दिया
रघु ने tv एंकर के पद के लिए लोगो के सामने हाथ फैलने शुरु कर दिए थे करते भी क्या.. पढ़ाई नहीं कि तो फिर भीख ही माँगनी थी.. रघु ने इण्डियन आइडल में भी गाने कि कोशिश की थी पर वहा से इसको बाहर निकाल दिया गया, फिर Mtv में रघु को कुछ कम मिल गया|
स्टार नहीं बना है सिर्फ़ काम मिला है!
2 घटिया सीरियल और 2 फ़िल्म में छोटा सा रोल और थोड़ी पहचान बनने पर इसने अपने भाई को भी रोडीज़ में काम दिलाया यह दोनों भाई अभीतक struggler के रुप में काम करते है शो पर इनकी बढ़ती बदतमीजी के कारण और अश्लील भाषा के प्रयोग के चलते पिछले वर्ष रघु को ABVP वालोँ ने सड़क पर रोक कर मार पीट की और इसका मुँह काला काला कर के छोड़ दिया था पर इन्हे सबक नहीं मिला....

रणविजय सिंह सिंगल -

MTV रोडीज़ के पहले संस्करण में आखरी पाये तक पहुँच कर और फिर उसी शो में जज कि कुर्सी पर बैठ कर इसने हजारों युवाओं को पथभ्रष्ट कर यह संदेश पहुँचाया है के मेहनतना करो गन्दे बनो बदतमीजी करो तो एक दिन ऐसे किसी मुकाम पर पहुँच जाओगे और अन्धे युवा इसके पीछे हो लिए
जालंधर के सिख परिवार में पैदा हुआ इसके पिता और दादा भारटिया थल सेना में थे और छोटा भाई भारतीय जल सेना में अपनी सेवाये दे रहा था तब इस नीच ने MTV जॉइन कर के अपने परिवार के गौरवशाली इतिहास पर पानि फेर दिया और सिर्फ़ इतना ही नहीं इसने मायानगरी की रंगिनियत दिखा कर अपने छोटे भाई को भी देश कि सेवा करने के कर्तव्य से हटवा कर MTV में अपने साथ फूहड़ काम पर लगा दिया रोडीज़ में जो "लिटिल हरमन" आता है वो इसका ही भाई है जिसको इसने अपने साथ देश को बरबाद करने में लगा रखा है रणविजय जिस पर लड़कियाँ मरती है वो ना अपने देश का हुआ ना अपने धर्म का यह उस सिख परिवार से है जहां पगड़ी और केश को शान माना जाता है इसने तो अपने बाल कटवा कर अपने देश के साथ साथ अपने धर्म को भी ठोकर मार दी
और लड़कियाँ इसको देख् कर कहती है "you are my crush"
कुछ तो शर्म करो

इन टकलोँ के अनुसार रोडी बनने की कुछ पात्रताएँ -

1. रोडी बनने के लिए माँ-बहन की गालियाँ सुनाना ज़रूरी है, जैसे कि वे हर दूसरे मिनट में प्रतियोगियों की माँ और बहन के लिए निकलते हैं और बीप-बीप करके हमें उन गालियों का अहसास कराया जाता है

2. आप को समलैंगिकता (गे) को मान्यता देनी होगी। ऐसा ये टकले कई बार कहते सुने गए हैं कि समलैंगिकता सही है और प्रतियोगी द्वारा विरोध करने पर उन्हें गालियाँ मिलती हैं

3. आप को भारतीय संस्कृति के बारे में कुछ भी बोलने का अधिकार नहीं है क्योंकि अगर आप ने भारत या भारत की संस्कृति की बात की तो आप संस्कृति के ठेकेदार कहकर बाहर निकाल दिए जाएँगे

ज़्यादा लम्बी लिस्ट नहीं लिखने कि आवश्यकता नहीं है आज के युवा अपने शहर कि रोड से ज्यादा रोड़ीज को जानते है
आज तक हमने अपनी इज़्ज़त व देश की ख़ातिर गोलियाँ खाना सीखा है अब रोडी बनिए और अपनी माँ-बहन की गालियाँ सुनिए मतलब अब हमारे यहाँ बेहया नामर्द बनाए जाएँगे जिनकी माँ-बहनों की इज़्ज़त MTV के ये टकले स्टूडियो में नीलाम करेंगे और हमारे देश के कर्णधार सर झुकाकर अपनी माँ-बहनों को इनके सामने रख देंगे क्योंकि रोडी जो बनना है
आगे भी वो जो कुछ बनेगे वो होगा समलैंगिक बनना क्योंकि समलैंगिकता को मान्यता तो रोडीज़ के जज ही दे रहे है रोडीज़ स्कूल के बच्चे तो उनका अनुसरण ही करेंगे और भारतीय संस्कृति को तो MTV के कूड़ेदान में ही डाल देंगे....
वैसे भी भारतीय संस्कृति विवेकानंद रानी लक्ष्मीबाई भगत सिंह और समर्थ गुरु रामदास पैदा करती है बेहया नामर्द माँ-बहनों की इज़्ज़त नीलम करने वाले रोडीज़ नहीं दुःख ये है की हमारी नयी युवा पीढ़ी के कुछ लोग क़तारबद्ध हो कर कातर दृष्टि से इनके सामने दुम हिलाते रहते है अब रोडी टाइप युवाओं से एक अपील: मेरे बंधुओ बेहयाई छोड़ो देश के लिए गोली खाने का माद्दा रखो इन टकलों से माँ बहन की गाली खाना मर्दोँ का काम नहीँ है

फेसबुक पर इनके पेज पर हर रोज लड़के और लड़कियाँ गालियोँ का प्रशिक्षण लेते हुये पाये जाते हैँ

रोडीज का मतलब होता है सड़कछाप
ये कुत्ते ज्यादातर सड़क पर ही पाये जाते गैँग के रुप मेँ
लड़कियोँ को घूरते हुये....

जब हमारे देश का युवा रघु राजीव रणविजय जैसे लोगोँ को आदर्श मानने लगा हो तो अब हम कैसे कह देँ तुम्हारे हवाले वतन साथियो....

इस post पर जो रोडीज टाइप के (Indian Cool Dudes, hot babes, Macho , Yo generations) नहीँ है वो शेयर करेँ और इन्हेँ उनकी औकात दिखायेँ......

जय हिन्दू राष्ट्र!!!!

Amul sponsors the Indian Contingent to 2012 London Olympic Games

India’s largest food products marketing organization Amul today announced its sponsorship of the Indian contingent to the London 2012 Olympic Games by signing a MoU with the Indian Olympic Association. The MoU was signed by Raja Randhir Singh, Secretary General, IOA and Member, International Olympic Committee and Mr. R S Sodhi, Managing Director, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (Amul) in a function presided by Prof. Vijay Kumar Malhotra, Acting President, Indian Olympic Association in presence of Shri Anil Khanna, Chairman, Finance Commission of the IOA. Amul has become the Official Sponsor of the Indian team in the category of Dairy products. 

Announcing Amul’s support for the Indian contingent to the London 2012 Olympic Games, Mr. R S Sodhi said that , “Amul is committed to strengthening the Olympic movement in India and encourage young generation from all corners of the country to take up Olympic sports. I take great pleasure and pride in announcing our sponsorship of the Indian contingent to the London 2012 Olympic Games as ‘Olympic Partner’.” Explaining the rationale of this association, he said that milk is nature’s original energy drink and plays a pivotal role in building the physical and mental strength of the athletes. Nutritious dairy diet comprising of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, ghee etc. is an important part in the diets of athletes around the world. India is the largest producer of milk in the world and Amul is not only India’s but Asia’s largest milk brand. Further, he said that this association and activities around it will help in engaging the youth so that they can enjoy a healthy life and strive to become swifter, higher and stronger in their endeavours. 

Amul has recently associated with sports events like Cricket World Cup and Formula 1 to engage the youth. Mr Sodhi mentioned that the Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate. Participation in Olympics is the aspiration of every athlete and with the kind of investments made by our country in this arena to select, nurture and train the best athletes, we are confident that Indian contingent will deliver the best ever performance in the London games and make our country proud. 

Lauding Amul’s support to the Indian Olympic contingent, Prof VK Malhotra, Acting President, IOA said that the sponsorship funds will be used for the athletes. Raja Randhir Singh, Secretary General, IOA said, “I would like to congratulate Amul for flagging off its Olympic initiative today.” Mr Anil Khanna, Chairman, Finance Commission, IOC and also the Chairman of the Marketing Committee for London 2012 games too welcomed Amul’s association with the Indian contingent.

Amul will launch a series of advertising campaigns for milk, butter, cheese, paneer and ghee to promote this association in the coming months. 

BMC elections: Gulzar wants to vote, but can’t

Poet and lyricist Gulzar couldn’t vote in the BMC elections because he couldn’t find his name on the voter list, says Rediff.
“First recorded casualty of the BMC polls: A tweet says that poet and lyricist Gulzar returns home without casting his vote as his name is not found in the electoral list.,” rediff reports.

Arjun Bali is another victim. “After having Voted in 8+ elections-with voter card, amazing to NOT find my name in the electrol rolls this morning #BMC #EpicFail,” he said on twitter.
Here’s a quick take on what else is being said on the elections on twitter:
Chinmay Shah laments the low turnout. “Maha #fail. Hope it improves! RT @starnewslive 13% voting recorded till 11:30 am in BMC polls,” he says. Perhaps the turnout will improve among Dia Mirza’s followers.
Mirza tweeted, “Chalo!!! Vote! Its on till 5pm. #civicpolls #bmc.” She doesn’t mention if she did vote, though.
Nisha Arppit brings out the callousness of the citizens of Mumbai. “Wonder if all d people who watch cricket so religiously could ever get few minutes for country we wud have a better working government,” she feels.
Karan Anshuman is not very helpful with this tweet, saying “Guys, if you’re confused who to vote for, just remember one word: Roads. #bmc,”. Who should one vote for, Karan?
Lloyd Mathias believes the BMC is responsible for all that ails the city. “BMC may be the country’s richest civic body but is morally bankrupt. Mumbai has deteriorated more than any other Indian city,” he says.
Well, it’s just under five hours more of voting. Tomorrow, we’ll know who has won, and who has the power to address the city’s woes and stem the rot.

India tycoon's got tons of cash, nowhere to invest

With the country mired in corruption, bureaucratic red tape and unclear and changing government policies, many of the men who made their billions here are saying maybe it's time to quit India. It's got to be easier to do business elsewhere.

Ajay Piramal is sitting on a mountain of cash. Yet the billionaire Indian tycoon, working in one of the world's fastest growing economies, is struggling to figure out what to do with the money.

The problem isn't opportunity, he says. It's India.

"Every large investment, there was no transparency," he said.

His dilemma is a worrying sign for India. With the country mired in corruption, bureaucratic red tape and unclear and changing government policies, many of the men who made their billions here are saying maybe it's time to quit India. It's got to be easier to do business elsewhere.

In May last year, Piramal's healthcare business sold its generic drug operations to U.S. pharmaceutical giant Abbott Laboratories for $3.8 billion. Piramal, a tall big man in a country that still measures prosperity by girth, was eager to set that cash pile to work. He wanted to expand one of his chemical plants, but was told it would take five years.

"The same plant could be set up in China in two years," he said. "I love India, but my customer is not going to wait."

India, still a beacon of relatively fast growth despite a troubled world economy, should be a magnet for capital. Instead, since the beginning of 2010, the amount that Indians have invested in businesses overseas has exceeded the amount foreigners are investing in India, according to central bank figures.

In part this reflects the confidence and aptitude of India's maturing companies and the current malaise in the global economy and financial markets. But it also reflects deep problems at home. India's big coporations may be cash rich but the failure to invest that money domestically is bad news for a developing country that needs capital to build the roads, power plants and food warehouses that could help lift hundreds of millions out of dire poverty.

The frustration of India's business elite with corruption, political paralysis, log-jammed approvals, regulatory flip-flops, lack of access to natural resources and land acquisition battles — to pick a few of the top complaints — has reached a pitch perhaps not heard since India began liberalizing its economy in the early 1990s.

"If you are an honest businessman in India, it's very difficult to start up anything," said Jamshyd Godrej, chairman of manufacturing giant Godrej & Boyce. "Companies are going to operate where they see the best opportunities and efficiency for their capital."

Increasingly, that's outside India.

In 2008, foreigners poured roughly twice as much direct investment into India — $33 billion — as Indians plowed into businesses overseas. By 2010, that had reversed: Indians invested $40 billion abroad — twice as much as foreigners invested in India — a trend that's continued this year.

There is another, unspoken element to all the complaints. To the extent that business in India ran on corruption, some of the old, dirty ways of doing things are being disrupted, freezing India's already glacial bureaucracy, business leaders say.

Scandals in the staging of the Commonwealth Games, the pilfering of homes meant for war widows and the irregular auction of cellphone spectrum that cost the country billions has sent parliamentarians and even a Cabinet minister to prison.

With Indians tiring of the incessant graft, tens of thousands of middle-class protesters poured into the streets and pushed an anti-corruption bill onto the floor of Parliament.

Steelmakers can't get enough iron ore because a massive mining scandal in the southern state of Karnataka prompted a court to order the closure of illicit mines that account for a fifth of iron ore production in the country.

The bureaucrats — even the honest ones — are reportedly so scared of being punished they are refusing to make the decisions needed to make the country run.

Piramal is not unpatriotic. Each room in his executive suite is named after an Indian epic hero: Arjuna, the most pure; Dhananjay, acquirer and master of wealth. There's a quote from the Upanishads scriptures on the wall.

His office sits in a one million square foot office park in Mumbai his family built. The buildings around him — white with blue glass that flashes back the unforgiving sun — bear his own name in large black letters: Piramal Towers.

Piramal had the will and the means to build power plants and roads.

Instead, his Piramal Group's largest investment to date has been in one of the office park's tenants: the Indian subsidiary of the British telecom giant Vodafone Plc.

Last September, when he got the first payout, of $2.2 billion, from Abbott, the phone started ringing.

"Because people knew we had money, we had so many people approaching us for projects in the infrastructure sector," he said. "These people had no experience and no knowledge and no track record of having built a business in any area. And yet they were coming to us saying we have licenses and approvals. That just didn't sound right or smell right."

Each day, they paraded through his office: The investment banker who decided to build a 500 megawatt power plant, the coal trader assured of a government coal allocation, small-time miners with pretty presentations promising land, licenses and financing.

"They'd name politicians from the center and the state who had it all tied up for them," he said. "It didn't sound right. Obviously there were things going on in the system."

Road and port projects weren't much better, he said.

Piramal also looked at investing in engineering and infrastructure services companies, but couldn't make sense of their books.

"We couldn't find anything," he said. "People get greedy. In their desire to get good valuations they resort to, if I can say, creative accounting."

Today, India's infrastructure companies are known as great wealth destroyers.

"Infrastructure investment has become untouchable, a sure way of losing money," said Jagannadham Thunuguntla, head of research at SMC Global Securities. He calculates that four of India's top infrastructure companies — GMR Infrastructure, GVK Power and Infrastructure, Lanco Infratech and Punj Lloyd — have lost over 80 percent of their value since 2007. A fifth, Larson & Toubro is down 50 per cent.

Piramal may have dodged a bullet, but shareholders in Piramal Healthcare aren't happy. Despite a $600 million special dividend and share buyback, the share price has sagged since the Abbott deal was announced on May 21 last year. They'd like to see the Abbott cash productively deployed. Instead, much of it is sitting in fixed deposit accounts.

Piramal says he really does want to run a pharmaceutical company and be the first Indian company to discover a world-class drug — despite his dabbling in telecom, financial services and real estate financing. It's just that pharma can't absorb all his cash. He plans to sell the 5.5 per cent stake he picked up in Vodafone Essar for $640 million in a few years, when Vodafone Essar issues shares in an initial public offering, he said.

He has also launched Piramal Capital, to make real estate and infrastructure loans, and spent about $50 million to acquire IndiaReit, a real estate investment company.

Meanwhile, his thoughts have turned to Boston, where he set up IndUS Growth Partners with a professor from Harvard Business School to look for buying opportunities in the U.S., in security, financial services and biotechnology. And he says he's still planning to spend over a billion dollars on biotechnology acquisitions in North America and Europe.

"India was going more towards capitalism than socialism," Piramal said. "I think we're going back. Capitalism went to too much excess. Corruption levels went to the extreme."

He said he'll announce his first overseas acquisition by March.

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  • Don't leave mobile charger in ON even if it is not used.
  • PC/Laptop Monitor uses lot of power. Use turn-off monitor after 2 min in power setting option.  
  • switch off lights if it is not needed.

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F1 Opportunistic for SEX Pimps

With 30,000 foreign tourists expected in the national capital region for the event this week, prostitution syndicates don't want to miss out on the opportunity

Fast cars and beautiful women seem to go together. Which is why the demand for high-profile escorts in the national capital region has gone up in the last few days. Eyeing the Indian Formula One Grand Prix that will be held from October 27 to 30, escort agencies and sex traders have called in English-speaking girls from across India to cater to the growing demand.

With a crackdown on many high profile pimps within a year, the prostitution trade is running slow. Delhi police arrested Rajiv Ranjan Dwivedi aka Sex Baba, Sonu Punjaban and Nagma - all in about a one year period - who were allegedly pulling the strings of the sex trade in the national capital. So now with the big names behind bars, the small-timers have come together, hoping for Formula One to boost their business. 
No cheer!
"For quite long now, business has been running slow. Police have arrested lots of girls. Even during CWG last year we did not see much clients as number of foreign tourist turn out was low. So after CWG this is the most awaited event as around 30,000 foreigners are expected here," said a pimp on condition of anonymity.

If the escort agents whom MiD DAY contacted are to be believed, then the business has acquired an international flavour. You name a country -Britain, Spain, Germany, Poland, former USSR countries, Afghanistan and Turkey - and brokers, numbering about 450-500 in the city, would arrange girls from there at your doorstep in the garb of escorts.

"There are over 450 brokers working overtime to put the business in order as each has about 15-20 girls under his/her charge," said Sanjay Sharma, who asked us to meet him at Connaught Place.

Nothing comes cheap
According to the agents, many girls from Thailand frequently visit Singapore during the Formula One event there, so they are trying to contact them and ask them to come over to India. Most of the foreigners come to India on tourist visa.  Each broker has to pay between Rs. 1-2 lakh for a girl from the former USSR countries and about Rs. 5-7 lakh for someone from Britain or Spain. "The net is spread far and wide. High-class escorts from London cost about Rs. 7 lakh while those from Spanish-speaking countries charge around Rs. 6 lakh. Turkish escorts are relatively cheaper at about Rs. 2 lakh," explained Sanjay. All of them are hired under contract for a fortnight. Apart from the foreign escort syndicates, Indian agencies would be operating during the event as well. "It is not a mass event so we have only selected smart girls. The rate of these girls will start from Rs 15,000. We will be extra cautious and will take orders only from trusted clients," said Vicky of Paradise Escorts.


STUDY-Following Brands on Twitter Increases Purchase Intent.

People who follow brands on Twitter are more likely to both buy and recommend those brands’ products, according to a recent study of online consumer behavior.
The study, conducted by Constant Contact and research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey, analyzed the behavior of 1,491 consumers ages 18 and older throughout the U.S., and revealed a number of details about how people interact with brands on the world’s beloved 140-character social network.
So, just how powerful is the Twitter connection between consumers and businesses? The study found that 60% of brand followers are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after following the brand on Twitter, and 50% of brand followers are more likely to buy from that brand.
These findings mirror those from a previous report, detailing how consumers interact with brands on Facebook. The study found that 56% of consumers said they are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after “Liking” a brand on Facebook, and 51% of consumers said they are more likely to buy a product after doing so. The findings from both studies seem to show that customer loyalty is about the same across both social networks.
Any increase in customer loyalty is great news for brands, especially those lucky enough to make the coveted list of followed companies. According to the study, though, the chances of making that list are slim, as only 21% of Twitter users follow brands on Twitter, and of those, 79% follow fewer than 10 brands.
If your brand makes it to that highly sought-after status, you’re in for the long haul — a whopping 75% of respondents claimed that they had never unfollowed a brand on Twitter. This finding, though, contradicts a previous study, which claimed that 41% of consumers have unfollowed a company on Twitter. The trend seems to favor longevity in both studies, however. If a user opts to follow your brand on Twitter, it’s more likely they’ll continue following, rather than decide to unfollow.
When it comes to a consumer’s decision to follow brands on Twitter, exclusivity and access to promotions reign. Here are the top five reasons given by respondents:
  • 64%: I am a customer of the company
  • 61%: To be the first to know information about the brand
  • 48%: To receive discounts and promotions
  • 36%: To gain access to exclusive content
  • 28%: To receive content/information to retweet and share with others
For the most part, brand interaction on Twitter is still largely a one-way process. While 84% of followers read tweets posted by the brands they follow, only 23% claim to tweet about the brands they follow.
The study also found that Twitter users are frequent Internet users overall — 50% of Twitter users in the study reported going online more than once per hour. Of Facebook users, only 34% of respondents reported going online multiple times per hour. Facebook and Twitter users both outpace the average Internet user, though, as only 29% of overall users that do not have Twitter and Facebook accounts reported logging on many times within an hour.
Twitter users even use Facebook more than users who stick solely to Facebook — 60% of Twitter users use Facebook more than three hours per week, compared with 49% of Facebook users overall.
The study offered one final nugget of wisdom that should inform how brands on Twitter approach their content strategies — 67% of brand followers expect unique content from the brands they follow. So get to it, social media strategists!
See the complete study here:

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