Phising Scams...

This information is straight from McAfee’s site.

If you receive a similar message in your inbox you should delete it and not follow the links in the message. If you want to check your account, you should type the bank or company website directly into your web browser, or add a bookmark, rather than following links in an email. If you are unsure if an email you receive is legitimate, visit the companies website directly, phone the company, or contact their Customer Services or fraud department (usually to confirm that they sent the mail.

Updated Last: July 1, 2009

  1. security alert!
  2. account notification!
  3. account notification
  4. please confirm your data!
  5. Chase Bank: online banking notification
  6. Chase Bank: necessary to be read!
  7. Chase Bank: important notice
  8. Chase Bank: important security notice
  9. Chase Bank: account secure confirmation
  10. Chase Bank customer service: security alert.

Top Brands Exploited by Phishing Scams

The following chart shows the top brands exploited by Phishers.

Top Brands Targeted by Phishing Scams: Pie Chart

Reduce Computer Related Eyestrain...

If you are like most office people, you spend at least 8 hrs staring at your computers monitor. Ever since my very first computer with an amber monochrome monitor, monitor technology has improved immensely. But eye strain is still a real concern.

First let’s look at some of the symptoms of eye strain:

  • burning
  • dry and strained eyes
  • headache
  • neck ache
  • blurred vision

What are the causes of this eyestrain
Eye strain can be caused by a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:

  • over- or misuse of computer monitors
  • bad lighting
  • environmental factors
  • ergonomic factors

How can you reduce or prevent eye strain?

This question actually has a lot of different ideas to try.

Take a break

I know that this may not always be easy to do, but try and get up every hour. At least take 5 minutes to look away from your screen. You can return phone calls, get up and send faxes, get a drink of water, even do chair exercises.

Work in a properly lit workspace

In most companies out there today, you have no choice in your lighting, but there are some ways you can do this. If you are by a window, adjust the blinds so that the light is not directly in your eyes. If you do now have windows, try and get a cheap table lamp and put that on the side of your desk. With your monitor providing direct light, you only need indirect lighting around you. Never work in a dark room with the only light being from your monitor. The direct light with no indirect light will cause eye strain quickly since your eyes will be working between extreme light and extreme dark.


Don’t work in a desert. If there is no humidity in your building, your eyes will dry out quickly. Adding some plants helps on two fronts, dust removal and increases humidity, just a touch, but anything is helpful. You can even use over the counter eye drops.


Again, most companies have an ergonomics team that studies your workspace and makes sure you are set up in the best way possible, for not just eye strain, but Carpal Tunnel reduction. If you don’t know how to contact your ergonomics department, your HR team should know how to contact them.

Monitor Configuration

For this step you may have to enlist your IT team. Work on the refresh rate on your monitor, the higher the better. Also, make sure the font and icon sizes are comfortable for you to look at. If you need to, make them larger so that you don’t have to squint to read everything.

Position your Monitor correctly

OSHA recommends that your monitor be between 20 and 30 inches (the length of your arm, from shoulder to finger tips). Also have the monitor slightly lower then your head. So when you are sitting up and looking forward, the top of the monitor should be eye level. This will put your neck in a more comfortable position, by forcing you to look slightly down at your monitor.

Reduce Glare

The ergonomics inspection will also look at the glare on your monitor, they may recommend a glare screen to be placed over your monitor. At home, you can move the lighting around to avoid direct glare back from the monitor, again at work you are kind of limited, but the glare screens can really help. You can also move your monitor to make sure it is not facing the direct sun either from the front or back.

Eye Health

Lastly, don’t forget the Optometrist. Get regular eye exams and wear glasses as prescribed. I know a lot of people that normally wear contacts, but at work will use their glasses. This allows them to remove them and rub their eyes on occasion.

Google Chrome-The Best

Don’t let the cutesy comic about Google’s browser, Chrome, lull you into feeling all warm and fuzzy. This is not that old little company of Sergey and Larry we are talking about now. Google is now a multi-billion dollar mothership which rules the search and internet advertising markets, and is aggressive in a pile of others.

The question to ask is, does this mean world domination is around the corner!

Okay, let me wind it down a bit. Surely not that. But dominating Internet Explorer with its myriad security problems, and the current favorite Mozilla Firefox 3 - of course. That is the intention.

Google Chrome start page

Google Chrome start page

There are those who say that this was Google backstabbing Firefox. Nope. The Google browser was rumored about for a couple of years or more, nothing surprising here - and I am sure Mozilla expected it at some point.

Tech commentators all over say that this is the time to wait and watch, and till we see the Chrome Beta and get an idea of how the market takes to it, there is no point in getting our Firefox brand panties in a knot. Sure, sure.

Update: Google Chrome beta is now released, people have run their initial tests, and said that at last in javascript performance, Chrome beats everyone else hollow.

Quickly let’s bring the Chrome virgins up to date here. Those who know all about Chrome, skip all the way down.

After its foray into the world of mobile phones with the Android, Google has now shifted its sights to web browsers.Rumors were flying for a couple of years, and just when we thought that’s all it was - just a rumor -Google sent out a comic book to the Blogoscoped blog about its new open source browser project, “Chrome”.

According to the 38-page comic with sketches by Scott McCloud, Google has started from scratch, using nothing other than an existing web rendering engine called Webkit. It says that all the browsers in existence today were made back in the time when the internet was an innocent, safe and uncomplicated place, without any evil websites. So whatever the changes and improvements, and whichever the new browsers, they have made to them, these browsers still apparently have some fundamental flaws in them. Chrome aims to get rid of these flaws by starting from scratch.

Some of the key features of Chrome are

A tab will be the smallest unit of the application. Each tab will be an independent, restricted process, which runs by itself and also crashes by itself in case it does crash. This also reduces memory fragmentation, and leads to much better use of memory resources. The tab list will take the place of the traditional title bar of the window.

An address bar named “Omnibox” which will functions a bit likes Windows Vista’s search box in the start menu. This means that it will find out any info relevant to whatever you are typing in, and show it below. So if you visited, say, a great website on amateur astronomy yesterday, you only have to type in amateur astronomy in the omnibox and you will instantly get the site listed below the box. Additionally, the omnibox lets you search a website of which it captured the search box; So you can type “ebay”, press Tab, and then type in the keywords you want to search on Ebay.

A homepage with 9 thumbnails, a bit like the “Speed Dial” in Opera. The only difference here being that these thumbnails will consist of the sites you visit most frequently, so that you don’t have to type in the address every time.

A task manager, which shows which sites/plugins are consuming most memory and resources. This will help you determine which sites to close if things start to slow down.

Javascript will now be run in a Virtual Machine called V8. In current browsers, javascript is interpreted and run on-the-fly. In case of V8, the javascript is only read once and then converted into binary code that can be executed directly without having to be interpreted again. This again leads to much better performance.

Each tab will have restricted rights. Scripts running in a tab will be running in a sandbox. Then will have very limited access to resources and virtually no write access to files on the disk.

An “incognito”/privacy mode for browsing all that NSFW sites/pr0n or for something more innocent, like keeping a surprise gift a secret. No history, cache or cookies gets saved in this mode.

Downloads will be shown in the task bar. Google has apparently been inspired by the success of the Download Status Bar extension for Firefox.

You can also run web apps like GMail and Google Calendar in separate windows without any address bars, and even create shortcuts to them to put on the Desktop or the Start Menu.

More phishing and malware resistance. Chrome will keep a list of blacklisted sites which will be constantly updated by Google.

Google Chorme (Operating System) Coming..

Google Chrome OS, the operating system from Google is in the works.
Google said in an official blog post on Tuesday that the open source
Google Chrome Operating system will be available for sale in the
middle of next year. Google Chrome operating system is expected to be nimble, lightweight and heavily web-based.

Google already has a operating system for handheld devices, mobile
phones and set-top boxes, called Google Android. It was long expected that
Google will scale up the Android operating system for netbooks,
notebooks and desktop PCs. But, for now, that is not how it will be.

Google officials said in the blog that the new Google Chrome OS will
be browser-based, initially targeting netbook users. Google is already
in talks with original equipment manufacturers for loading the Google
Chrome OS in computers. Google said that applications built for the
web will autimatically run on the Google Chrome OS platform.

Google said it feels from customer feedback that many users are not
happy with the computers and operating systems they run, since they
take time to boot up and open the browser. Google Chrome OS is
expected to address this demand, where people can instantly get on the web, without waiting several minutes for the programs to start up.
Google did not say whether the Chrome operating system will be
available for download from the Google websites. Still, it is expected
that apart from being loaded on OEMs like HP, Dell and Acer, the
Google Chrome OS could be available for free downloads from the Google servers next year.

Google said that the operating system, which will be Linux-based and
open sources, can be accessed and modified by the open source
community to suit their needs. It said that though the Google Chrome
OS is initially targeted at netbook users, it will later be improved
to meet the needs of regular laptop and desktop users.

Google officials said that users now dont want to spend hours
configuring their systems, which is basically a techie’s job. They do
not want to search for updates, drivers and files, and they dont want
to be perpetually scared of forgetting to back up their important
files. Google feels that the operating system should be unintrusive,
and make itself as little visible as possible, allowing the user to
access applications and the web fast.

Google also said that it is in talks with computer makers and the open
source community on taking its operating system plan forward.
Google’s imminent entry to the operating system market may be a blow for Microsoft, whose Windows commands the major share of the OS market. Google’s entry into the OS space has been rumored for long, and it was expected that it will build on the Android to fit the needs of desktop and laptop users.

However, it may be remembered that Google’s Chrome browser has not been able to make much of an impact on the Internet Explorer turf. Though Chrome itself is a nimble and back-to-basics type of browser, it hasnt been able to lure internet users to download and run it on their machines. However, the fact remains that many people, as Google rightly figured out, would like to use their machines for work, rather than spending time on it just to get it to start working. And Google Chrome OS may be they have always been waiting for.

Computer Hardware Prevantive Maintenance Software...

Computers often break down at the worst of all times. These problems can be averted, or at least minimized with preventive maintenance. Several methods of keeping computer hardware in good working order deal with the external components of the computer, such as the keyboard and monitor. For example, it is important to keep the processor away from excess heat and moisture. There are also computer hardware preventive maintenance software programs that can help with the upkeep of other internal aspects of a computer.

While it is rare to find a CMMS that works on all of a computer’s hardware, many different programs can be utilized simultaneously. Some computers have periodic automatic updates available that can be downloaded and used to improve the computer’s performance. Other software programs, known as disk defragmenters, manage hard drive space so that software programs take less time to access. Programs known as hardware diagnostic utilities can check the computer’s hardware components and alert the user about any potential failures. Since some new hardware will not always work on all computers and could cause existing hardware to malfunction, it is important to have a CMMS program to ensure that the new hardware is compatible with existing hardware.

Antivirus programs are another important component of computer hardware preventive maintenance software. Computer viruses have become increasingly common in recent years and can render a good computer useless. While computer viruses mainly attack software programs, they can ruin hardware as well. Several manufacturers make reliable antivirus software. A couple of well-known companies are Norton and McAfee. As with much preventive maintenance software, these programs are usually available for a free trial period before the user must pay a subscription fee.

Computer hardware preventive maintenance software is necessary to keep computers in good working order. This software manages aspects of computer hardware that would be difficult and time-consuming for even the most computer savvy users.

Computer Backups...


Computer backup is so important to your computer that to ignore it is to risk its damnation.

Computers require care and feeding. They require that you attend to their needs. If you don't, then they will most surely be sent to Hell.

Halloween means Hell. What! What do you mean that Halloween means Hell?

Well, if your computer is given the option of trick or treat, which will it accept? Will it accept the trick or the treat? What do you think?

Halloween is the time that computers are subject to tricks or treats. Did you know that more computers fail on Halloween than any other day of the year? That’s right. It’s true (smile). Your computer is in danger! Protect it. Do your computer backups.

Back to the Hell thing. Hell you say? Yep. Well, what do you mean by Hell?

Computer hell is the place for computers without computer backup. The failure to perform hard drive backup means that you are playing Russian Roulette with your data. Data needs your protection. Failure to protect your data may cause your home or business records to be sent to Hell.

Hell in this instance is for the records and files that cannot be resurrected. Resurrected you say, what does that mean?

It means that without computer backup as a source of salvation then the files can safely enjoy eternal oblivion. Oblivion you say, what does that mean? That means they are eternally lost from computer resurrection.

Is there any mercy for my precious files, you ask?

Why yes there is. Would like to know what the mercy for your files is? Yes! Yes! You say.

OK boys and girls listen carefully. The salvation, mercy, resurrection and redemption of your files lies in regular and consistent and persistent computer backup.

If you backup your computer consistently and persistently your files will be resurrected and saved from accidental deletion, hard drive failure and those nasty things like fire, flood, theft, earthquake, hurricanes, tornados and the like!

Computer backup is the key to your data's salvation!

Do your computer backups boys and girls.

Milk and cookies will be served in the pantry.

Trick or treat for your computer backup?

Computer Accessories...

A computer accessory we all need. From inexpensive ink jets to monochrome and color lasers, different printers are designed to do different jobs with your computer. You will have a few choices to make when getting your new printer: price, speed, and print quality are the main ones. Ink jet printers and digital cameras are changing how we print photographs. Load your printer up with special photo inks and paper and ink jet/bubble jet printers have become one of the best options for transforming a digital image into a photograph! For speed and razor sharp text the monochrome laser printers are fantastic.

This computer accessory is for input into your computer. Graphic designers will use a scanner often to input pictures etc. If you don't have a digital camera a scanner is the only other way to get pictures into your computer to email, manipulate, add to cards, etc.

These are computer accessories that most computers come equipped with. But some people like 'game players' want to upgrade for surround sound. You will find many different versions and brands.

Keyboard and Mouse
These are also computer accessories that usually come with a computer system. Although most people will have to purchase new ones during the life of their computer. This is because they do not last as long as the computer system itself. Of course, it is dependent on how much you use them, how rough you are on them, and how clean you keep them.

Change IP Withing Seconds

Simple way to change your Internet Protocol Address.. ie, IP Address in less than a minute.!

1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen
2. Click on "Run"
3. Type in "command" and hit ok

You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen.

4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter"
5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt
6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop.
7. Click on "properties"

You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.

8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties"
9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab
10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab
11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up).
12. Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers.
13. Hit the "Ok" button here
14. Hit the "Ok" button again

You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen.

15. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again.
16. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings
17. This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically"
18. Hit "Ok"
19. Hit "Ok" again
20. You now have a new IP address

With a little practice, you can easily get this process down to 15 seconds.

This only changes your dynamic IP address, not your ISP/IP address. If you plan on hacking a website with this trick be extremely careful, because if they try a little, they can trace it back

Get Rid Of Brontok Virus

Its the most sticky virus ..
To remove it :
Start ur computer in safe mode with command prompt and type the followinf command to enable registry editor:-
reg delete HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"
and run HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"
after this ur registry editor is enable
type explorer
go to run and type regedit
then follow the following path :-
on the right side delete the entries which contain 'Brontok' and 'Tok-' words.
after that restart ur system
open registry editor and follow the path to enable folder option in tools menu
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer\ 'NoFolderOption'
delete this entry and restart ur computer
and search *.exe files in all drives (search in hidden files also)
remove all files which are display likes as folder icon.
ur computer is completely free from virus brontok!!

Making ur own autorun

"for educational purposes only!"
Alright, lets say that you have coded a great keylogger or trojan or virus something and you are ready to give it to your friend in a pen drive or a CD.. but you are not sure that your friend would double click on the .exe file.. that is, you're not sure if your friend would execute your code..
now what?
wanna make your code independent? want it to run by itself as soon as the pen drive or CD is inserted in the computer???
if yes then just read this...
1) You open notepad
2) now you writ: [autorun]
Now save it but not as a .txt file but as a .inf file.
But remember! The "Setup_filename.EXE" MUST be replaced with the name of the setup file. And you also need to rember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called '.msi
3) Now burn your CD with the autorun .inf file included.
4) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin..( or if nothing happens just double-click on the CD drive in "My Computer")

Average wake-up time:

  Average wake-up time: South Africa - 6:24 AM Colombia - 6:31 AM Costa Rica - 6:38 AM Indonesia - 6:55 AM Japan - 7:09 AM Mexico - 7...